Ok first we have the dresses that could be evening gowns or cocktail dresses but just not wedding gown material if you ask me and a lot of these are just not that pretty either.

This bright white satin dress is just too over the top even for me it reminds me of a 80’s style Barbie doll dress, its too long of a waist and far too many ruffles, now don’t get me wrong I love ruffles but not like this which it makes it look like a pastry yuk.

Another miss matched dress, the waist is far too long with such a puffy dress like this and not only is the waist too low but the top is too low cut its showing off her boobs too much, and when you are getting married you don’t want to look like you are going to the clubs, the only redeeming thing about this dress is the skirt part that is pretty but it doesn’t go with the top, I m not sure what really would go with this top lord!

And these dresses are just to plain and not in a good way, and the sad thing is these dresses all run from around $4,000 to $9,000 and all I have to say is come on really? Really? I could sew any of these and make them for about 20 bucks and that would be using the same material as they did, there is a huge mark up price on the gowns here and its crazy how many ladies do go to bridal stores and pay these exorbitant prices! And for what? Over glorified sundresses? They should feel ashamed of them selves but they don’t.

Now this gown would make a cool evening gown or dinner party dress, but not a wedding gown, wedding gowns should have the wow factor not the hmm I saw that dress the other day at a night club or didn’t Sarah wear that same dress when she got married?

And this gown once again would be a good evening gown but not a wedding gown especially as I have seen soooooooo many brides have this very sad dress I mean its like everyone has it, it would be better if it had sleeves I think sleeves wedding gowns make it look too casual too ordinary you know? Sleeves on a dress gives a wedding dress character and elegance, but now its all no sleeves or sundress straps and that’s it..

Another dress that would make a better party dress than a wedding gown, I mean as a dress alone its all right and pretty but its no wedding gown, and when you look at the price tags they put on these dresses its enough to make one gag , I know the prices of fabric beads Swarovski crystals and lace, and the mark up price that they put on these gowns is crazy!

I just don’t like this dress at all to plain and not well put together, and I wouldn’t wear it at all.

This one has lots of lace and would make a good party dress I think but not a wedding gown as its just to plain and it just doesn’t seem to make you feel like it’s a wedding gown.

Far too plain and not in a good way cause I have seen plain gowns from the early 1800’s or 1840’s or 1900’s that where just gorgous but to put a plain gown together you must know what looks good and what will make a lady look her best, this is not one of these sadly, but with a bit of work it could be better it really could..

Now this gown is red and white satin, this is not the first time to see color in wedding gowns and before Queen Victoria got married ladies just picked the colors they wanted for there wedding gown and it went from everything really from blues and greens to pinks to even black yep even black, but after Queen Victoria got married every bride wanted there wedding dress to be white or cream colored so it became quite the norm, but all brides had different wedding gowns ie you where not going to see you friend in the very same dress, some girls even made there own wedding gowns so aka if Georgina got married her best friend Lavinia would not have the same dress is her nor any of her friends, but anyway back to this dress it’s a nice red satin and the lace is good but the shape is horrible you would have to be super thin to wear this and look good and once again it does not have that wedding gown feeling, it would how ever be a good evening gown, but still wish it had a different cut, that’s one good thing about antique fashion is the way it was cut always always made one look like a million bucks.

Beautiful model not so great dress aka the lady is far better to look at than this dress, its just too plain and once again another gown with no sleeves its just not wedding gown material it just doesn’t have that wow factor no matter how pretty the girl is it can’t make up for how wrong the dress is, now I m not saying this is the worst dress by any means and its not with out any good.

Now this dress would just be better if it was a day dress or party dress it is so far from being wedding gown, its not ugly but its not wedding gown material, I can’t stress enough that this is the one time in your life that you can have a big gorgeous super elegant wedding gown, ladies need to use there imagination and do things they want to do :) not what there parents want especially there moms! Trust me, its your wedding not your mom shes all ready done that and you have to remember that also don’t let your fiancé pick the gown either they are straight guys aka have no real idea what looks good or at least 95% don’t, aka do what you want with your gown its your special dress and no one needs to make you get something that you don’t want remember that.

I just don’t know what to really say about this dress the top part looks like we are dealing with an evening gown but the bottom of the dress with the super under pleats makes you go wow this so does not go together and you want me to pay a couple of thousand for this ungodly gown ha ha No!
Now we get to the part of the glorified sundress ie very expensive sundresses or a sundress that has been brought to the height of evening gown in my opinion aka its not wedding gown material its just not! And I have had friends who have gotten married in dresses like this sigh I still love them but lord a wedding is supposed to be grand and like wise the dress is supposed to be grand and elegant and that’s that heehee.

Now this is a really pretty sundress and I would wear it out but to get married in oh hell no! Its just not wedding dress material and who really wants to get married in a short sundress aka a dress you would wear to a birthday party or to Barnes N Noble but not to get married in, just NO!

The long sundress that makes you think of the beach but not weddings! To plain far too plain and not in a good way!

I just don’t like anything about this dress yuk!

Doesn’t this look like a Gap sundress that you would buy there for 60 dollars but oh no it’s a wedding gown put a couple more zeros on it then we got the right price! But this is not the dress to want to get hitched in oh no!

This dress just looks like a long summer sundress it doesn’t even make me think of weddings, even with the tiara in her hair it just clashes sooooo much, just no!

This is the last sundress/wedding gown even with a big puffy skirt it still looks wrong and the way its cut makes this very skinny model look fat and that’s not right, shes tiny, but this dress so soes not have wedding gown anything.
Now we are on to the hideous and trashy wedding gowns and yes women do buy these why? I have no idea these are sooooo bad it may just give you a head ache looking at them.

Yeah nothing says bad wedding gown like a camouflage wedding dress who the heck thought this up? The NRA or someone who so loves camouflage and guns that they thought hey lets make are hunting outfit into a wedding dress this has super No written all over this dress!

This just looks like something that your moms friend would make with a hot glue gun and all, now as you all know I love flowers but not when the flowers look like this woof yuk, this is so wrong I just can’t even began to tell you how wrong this dress is.

Ripped up form fitting dress that looks like something you would see at a bad hair metal show not wedding gown material I mean who the hell thought this up? And why? I know they would say oh its sexy so sexy…Um yeah no, it is not sexy its trashy very trashy, and this is something no bride should wear rock concert maybe wedding oh hell no!

Ok I like the idea of bringing colors back in wedding gowns but not this color! I never thought I could say pink could be ugly but oh my god this is so ugly! Ugly pink silk this whole dress is tacky beyond tacky!

These two dresses are just so wrong I can’t even begin to start with how wrong this is, dressing like you are going to the club when getting married is always a bad idea, look you are going down the wedding isle not taking body shots ok?

Wow this girl looks like she’s ready for the stripper pole in her super short short one piece jump suit, lets just hope she doesn’t bend over, I can’t imagine how anyone could look at this outfit and go wedding dress! It makes me think have they just spent too much of there lives in the strip club? That they can’t discern the difference between the wedding isle and a stripper pole.

Another tacky wedding dress if you can call it that, but at least its better than the one above yeah that’s saying something, and I never thought I could hate lace but on this dress I do I so do! Its just a awful dress.

Ok flames on tee shirts or “Hot Topic” stuff is cute but a wedding gown really? Really this is so lame oh my god! It really makes me wonder what people are thinking?

Can we just say slutty, that’s what this dress says it should never be worn is a wedding gown this looks like something that a celebrity would wear to the playboy mansion not a wedding but yes it’s a wedding dress.

This over the top tacky dress was worn by this bride in this pic, and all I have to say is what where you thinking? Where you drunk when you picked this ? and paid £100,000 yep that’s what she paid for this all so trashy tacky dress from hell! She so threw her money away on this, the designer so ripped her off on this and she was sadly stupid enough to go along with it. Aka money can’t buy you a brain and it sure as hell can’t buy you taste!

Ok I get it you have good boobs but do you need to have a wedding dress on that so shows off your breast? I just think this dress screams tacky trashy horrible dress, I mean who in there right mind would wear this? Yuk.

I really hate this style it makes you look like you are wearing a merry widow on the outside, now I like the corset type tops but I hate this see threw merry widow look I think its awful, and have no idea why so many people buy it, its just tacky and trashy and no its not sexy yuk!
O that’s it of my rant about new wedding gowns, I intend to make a post about good wedding gowns but I m afraid I wont find many from today to post, but we will see.
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