Today is Delia's 11th birthday she was my step daughter for a couple of years and was as much my daughter as if I had given birth to her, but sadly she was not my own child but I treated her as if she where indeed my own daughter so thats why on every July 16th I make a happy birthday post so that way where ever she is she knows that I have never forgotten her, so to honor her in this fashion post I will post some lovely antique childrens clothes and some of these beautiful dresses I am sure baby Delia would have wanted as she had very good taste in fashion and even for a little kid knew what she wanted.
Photo of baby Delia at age 3 with a handmade floral print dress made after a 1940-45 pattern dress was made by Joyce Martinez Delias grandmother who was a really great seamstress.
Wonderful photo of a cutie she is wearing a lovely white linen dress with lovely lace and triangle cut pattern at the bottom of the skirt now this photo was taken around 1900, but the dress is very much older dress is from around 1870-74, most likely a very good hand me down, and nothing wrong with hand me downs especially when they are really great garments and this dress is a real beauty and worth being a hand me down, she also has on a traditional coral necklace this has always been a big tradition for little girls being given a bit of coral wither its a coral ring or a coral pin or bracelet, but the most popular was the coral necklace it was believed that the little girl would be protected from everything as long as she wore it, so many parents made sure there daughters had this, even if it was too much money for them they would still splurge on this item knowing it would protect there baby from all evil, now of course this tradition has gone by the way side and you see it no more, but it was a big thing from at least the 1600's to up till the 1930's where it was waning away by then, but I think its a cool and historically soaked item, and I would love to continue the tradition, cause lord knows we could all use a little good luck protective item.
Wonderful velvet and linen and lots of lace all so Edwardian dress this great child’s dress is from around 1904-07, it has a very art nouveau look to it and is really elegant, this dress would have been made for a girl aged 9-13 as back then 13 year olds would have worn a dress still very much child looking, see the Victorian's believed you where not a young lady till you where 16 so till you where 16 you would be dress appropriately ie shorter dresses and your hair down for the most part, there was indeed a big difference in childrens clothes as opposed to adult clothing a child was to look like a child not a grown up even in the 1700's where for the most part the little girls dresses where copies of there mothers but it was always toned down and you could still tell that’s a child’s dress, of course in this day and age you see parents dressing there 8 year old daughters in daisy dukes shorts or low rider jeans which yes I think is inappropriate and not right for little kids, there is no reason for them to be dressed like a skank a child should be dressed like a child, and this great dress is a perfect child’s dress :)
Another cutie this baby girl is wearing a simple but yet elegant white muslin dress with lace trim this photo was taken around 1900-03, and as you can tell even on a baby lace was used, if the parents could afford lace it was used, lace was highly desired and used on as many clothing items as could be afforded some women even learned to make there own lace which takes hours and hours to make, but if you do not have the money for lace making your own is a great way to have the wonderful desired lace pieces.
Yep another dress with lots of lace this lovely white muslin dress with all sooooo much lace is just gorgeous and would be a perfect dress fro a little girl this dress is from around 1904-09 and like I said lots of lace.
Lovely painting of a cutie :) Princess Mary this was painted around 1770-77 and as you can tell we finally see childrens fashion being not so constrictive but more free for movement, and play this dress is made of white muslin with a silk satin sash at the waist, and would have been perfect for play, of course I m sure Princess Mary had some heavy brocades for special occasions but for every day wear and play time this dress would just be perfect, and so as you can tell by the the 1770's we start seeing a change in kids fashion ie “Kids” fashion there own styles that where not like there parents which had been the way in the past ie it had been miniature versions of there mothers conservative clothing, but now we see a change there own styles, so really you can say the 1770's was the birth of childrens clothing.
Now this is what I was talking about the miniature versions of there mothers, this cutie is wearing stays and a heavily boned bodice the only child like thing is her hair is in a simple pony tail but other than that this outfit could have been worn by her mother, now don't get me wrong this is a beautiful dress and cloak trimmed in ermine fur, but I have always believed kids should be kids, and I would not have the heart to lace my child up in stays or a corset or put them in a tight boned dress, I believe kids should wear comfy but pretty/cute clothing and nothing too restrictive like this dress, this dress is better left off to the grown up, this painting was painted around 1758-63. And this is it of today’s post I would how ever like to make another childrens post, and most likely will do another one in the future, for there are real fashion gems in the past, and I hope this post was informative and good, and I dedicate it to little Delia on her birthday :)
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