Imagine going to the beach in this lovely cool linen dress or imagine wearing this to a park or getting a nice cold drink of punch in a dress like this…Ok sorry enough imagination time, but this would have been a very comfy and airy dress for the summer, even with a corset and camisole and corset cover and caged hoop skirt and bustle of either padded cotton or a wire bustle cage and then a muslin lace petticoat , but believe it or not even with all of this on it would not be too bad innless you lived in the south like me then oh lord stay inside ladies! But I have worn a corset under dresses and they become such a part of you after awhile you don’t even realize they are there innless you over lace them ie making them too tight, this is very unwise! No matter how hard you want to get your waist super tiny, this is very unwise as it can hurt and make you faint! So ladies lace it right! Ok now that I had my lecture, back to this lovely dress, this dress would have been an ideal summer dress pretty and of a light material and lovely lace…..So see even when the weather is bad one can look grand :)

Now this lovely white linen summer dress with white lace, I love the sleeves with the gathering and the lace trim on them, and the gathering at the back of the dress is reminiscent of the 1860’s the way its gathered and how it comes to gather in the back, I like this way as it makes a girl look thinner and that’s always a good thing :) I swear if fashion designers would sew the backs and fronts the way they did back then we would all look much thinner then we are :) Which personally I like! I have seen antique dresses that have waists up to 58 inches no bs and guess what the dress it self does not look huge they all have that wonderful sliming effect, its just designers today have forgotten about this or its just too much work and they don’t want to do it, sorry I got sidetracked again but I do really love this dress that’s from around 1874-76.
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